On Sunday 15 September one of our 'Friends of BBS', Peter Halligan, is running in the Bury 10K this year hoping to raise some much-needed funds for us. Can you show your support by sponsoring his efforts? You can sponsor using the links below or there's a sponsor form displayed in the Centre.
Why not come along to our Quiz Night with quiz master Carl on Friday 18 October, 7 for 7.30pm start.
Taking place at Elton Liberal Club, New George Street, Bury, BL8 1NW in the Porters Lounge.
Tickets £7 each available from our Sumup Page or you can pop into Bury Blind Society to pay. Maximum of 4 people per team with a light supper included.
Olympics Medals Chart
We have our very own Olympic Medals Chart displayed in the Centre listing 20 participating Countries and the groups they have been allocated to. Each week we will update the total medals for each Country and the winning group will receive a prize.
Collabor8 Bury 2024
We were glad to be a part of this year's event with communities celebrating multi-culturalism, faith and diversity held at Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service on Wellington Street.
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